Finally the time has come: On May 28, 2022, the renovation of the U block of the Amuro/Mgbom school was completed and handed over to the school management in a ceremonial opening.
Mrs. Nwakaego Oti, Senior Principal of Amuro/Mgbom Community Secondary School Afikpo, is very pleased with the beautiful new building with new classrooms and thanks us very much for taking the next step after providing the water supply on the school campus.
The renovation of the U-Block has given the school eight additional classrooms, most of which were not usable before the renovation. This in turn relieves the other buildings and the partly oversized occupancy of the other classrooms. The school children are very happy.
With the completion, donated tables and chairs as well as school blackboards, which were delivered from Germany by container, can also be used in the classrooms. What has been discarded in our schools is regarded as high-quality school equipment at this school.
At the same time, other measures are being taken. On the one hand, a new school kitchen will be built and then sanitary facilities will be constructed. These measures will be completed this year.
We would like to thank our project partner Pastor Richard Awah from the Holyrock Mountain of Light Church for the excellent cooperation and his great commitment during the construction phase. We will also continue the other renovation projects at the school with him.
We would like to thank Melanie Facius and her husband Divine, who with the newly founded organization Better Place Africa are the important local operational partner for our future joint projects – such as the water project “puRE water for life”.
And above all, we would like to thank our international donors and “Ein Herz fuer Kinder” for their great financial support. Without our loyal donor base, our projects would not be possible.