by webgo-admin | Aug 31, 2022 | Nigeria, puRE water
Our second largest construction project to date is taking place in Nigeria. Not too far from the school grounds, we are building a large water treatment plant. The project runs under the title “puRE water for life”. The problem? Many people do not have...
by webgo-admin | May 30, 2022 | Amuro-Mgbom school renovation, Nigeria
Finally the time has come: On May 28, 2022, the renovation of the U block of the Amuro/Mgbom school was completed and handed over to the school management in a ceremonial opening. Mrs. Nwakaego Oti, Senior Principal of Amuro/Mgbom Community Secondary School Afikpo, is...
by webgo-admin | Mar 21, 2022 | Amuro-Mgbom school renovation, Nigeria
After a construction period of 8-9 months, the time has come: the largest and most dilapidated building of the “Amuro-Mgbom Primary and Secondary School” will be completed shortly. The construction work will end in the course of April and then the students...
by webgo-admin | Oct 24, 2021 | Amuro-Mgbom school renovation, Nigeria
In July we started renovating the 4300 sqft. “U-Block”. It will be the largest single construction project in the entire ten-building school complex. We expect total costs of approx. USD 42,000 for building renovation, roof, doors and windows, plastering,...
by webgo-admin | Jul 23, 2021 | Amuro-Mgbom school renovation, Nigeria
After completing all construction activities on the well and the water supply on the school area for the students, teachers and the kitchen, we concentrated on the planning and financing of the renovation of the first dilapidated school building with approx. 4,000...
by webgo-admin | Mar 9, 2021 | Amuro-Mgbom school renovation, Nigeria
As the first construction measure of our project in Nigeria, we built a water supply . For the entire school complex with 1,700 students, 80 teachers and assistants as well as the provision of food for the students through the school kitchen, this is a big step...