With this newsletter we are beginning to present small, targeted aid projects and to tell personal “stories” from the project countries. These are not long-term projects, but measures that are usually one-offs or help specific people. Our partners implement these measures on site, in this case our board member Melanie Facius in Nigeria. We thank Melanie for her tireless work and great personal commitment.
Motherless Home in Abakaliki

40 children live in a home in Abakaliki, whose mothers have died and whose fathers are not allowed or unable to bring up the children (alcohol, drugs, etc.). However, the children return to their families at the age of six. In the home, they are only in this room with the beds and have no space to play. At the beginning of 2023, a playground was built there so that the children could have at least a little joy in their lives.
Library at Afikpo Primary/Secondary School
A small library was set up in a building on the school grounds of the Primary/ Secondary school in Afikpo – where we are renovating the school buildings.Students can borrow books there. The books were brought there from Germany as part of the container transports to Nigeria. The library is enthusiastically received.

Okechukwu, 14 years old
Okechukwu was sick with typhoid fever (abdominal). Due to this bacterial infection, the affected tissue had to be removed from his gastrointestinal tract. This is a common problem because in the dry season poor families often use the stagnant water from large tanks collected in the rainy season. Okechukwu lives far away with his family and has a very long walk to and from school every day.
This is an example of why the water project “puRE water for life” is important to avoid such health issues step by step.

We hope that these stories give an insight into the many “small” measures that are being taken apart from the large construction and operational projects.